Aloha people! Time really flies when you are busy. Unknowingly, it is already the end of 3rd week of school and homework had never stopped since day one. Life in poly is really different from the awesome life in ITE. In ITE, everything is spoon fed to you while in poly, they just throw you there alone to survive. It is really hard coping at first but now I am slowly getting used to it. Weekends past by fast but weekdays past even faster. Money is an important factor in poly and it has always been a problem for me ever since I was born. I really need to get a job real soon but I don't have the time to work. My timetable and homework is just crazy. I really can't wait for my holiday to arrive.
Here are some of my drawing in class. They aren't really good drawing as you can tell but compare to day one's drawing, you sure can see the difference. I didn't take photo of the one I drew in day one so you can't really tell. It is quite saddening because everyone in my class were smart asses who pass their o's with flying colours. They are incredibly fast at learning things that made me feel stupid sometimes. However, it is okay because I won't be competing with them but myself. It is me that I have to win. That way I will be happier even if I were to fail because I know what I am doing.
School was not exactly great but life was good. Made a few friends and dislike one because she sabotage my friend on second day of school due to her immature actions.
Last week Priscilla sent me this photo! We looked so cute but Ruyun say I looked like auntie. I guess I look a little like auntie but I still look cute alright!