What taste does lemon give you?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Last year on the 16 June, I got together with my boy Ruyun and now a year had already pass! Happy Anniversary my boy! It was just like a blink of an eye and what I did for our anniversary? Nothing. We just meet up and catch a movie that's all. We are both boring people, what to do?! But still I am very happy that he made the effort to come and meet me although he was in camp. I love you boy! 

Exam's over! Holiday arrived together with assignment. Sad. Assignment are annoying during holidays. Let me show you one of my artistic exam in boat quay. It was really burning hot that day! I almost die.

This was so hard to draw. I wasted so long to draw this. Hope it will turn out well. Here are some photo for us celebrating Naz birthday.

Also some overdue pictures with my pretty babe right below!

There is something I have to say, I just feel like everyone is dating and together for the sake of being together. I don't see real love anymore which is sad. There are many bad boys out there who don't care about us girls feelings. They only need you now, if they are tired of you, they dump you and find someone else more interesting. Some might say that you know but why are you guys throwing your heart and soul into them. I truly hate guys that are like that because they just show how immature they are. True man love you for who you are. They make you feel good about yourself and respects you. Don't rush into a relationship cause you are lonely and all. Wait for someone that is worthy of you to appear. The one that will love you even you think you are ugly but he thinks you're beautiful. And when he says you're beautiful, he mean it. And one last thing, ladies, we don't hunt for men, men hunt for us. So sit back and relax.


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