What taste does lemon give you?

Don't Wake Me Up

No Me Despiertes

Non Svegliarmi

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hello Everybody! I started school yesterday which is 21 April. It was kinda horrible at first but got to know a few friends later so, it is much better. When I reached school, I was super blur because they have no orientation for us, nothing. I went to the office, asked a few students and finally reached my class. I was the only one there when the lecturer open the door. Later did I know that everyone else was having briefing somewhere else. Nabei -_-. By the time I reached there, they were about to end, damn. Then we went back to class and was really sad because I was the only ITE student there and the rest of them are all younger than me. First class of the day was to draw circles and lines. Damn. Then suddenly a girl came in and guess what?! We made friends and she is also from ITE! That is super duper great! So far, the lessons were really boring. I just hope the days will get better because I will be studying for 3 years in that school.

I took this photo while drawing. I am extremely sad when my lecturer said I have to buy art stuff and I bought. It is only the first day and I already spent about $50++ on art stuff. Soon enough I get to know I have to get macbook also for this course. Damn! Luckily ngee ann lend out macbooks so I just need pay rental fee at $60 per semester but the paper work is really terrifying. So many forms I need to print, fill them and pass up. Dear ngee ann, please be good to me and please don't tell me need to submit anymore forms. I will cry! And I am gonna be random by saying I really miss eating yellow submarine!

Yellow Submarine is really amazing because they sell sandwich that looks like subway but without all those crappy vegetables. It is all meat and CHEESE! Another amazing fact about them is that their food are all HALAL! You are going lucky malay people! This is a must eat and must try list for me. Awesome food! Below here is a menu for you to take a look!

If i wasn't wrong, there is only one outlet in singapore. The store is at Blk 177 Toa Payoh Central #01-110, Toa Payoh. It is kinda hard to find at first but once you get a bite in the sandwich, you will find that it is all worth it! Just click on the amazing yellow submarine sandwich image below to go to their website!

Last sunday I finally got my sandals! It is so pretty and the quality was really good. I bought it for $16 only because it was instock and she wanted to clear it fast. Usually under the PO(preorder), it will be about $17 to $25. I find the seller super cute. She forgotten to give me one side of the buckle and she was so apologetic so she met me up today to pass me the buckle. Her instangram shop is call classgzb. She sells new balance shoes too. Really happy with the sandals. Good seller! Satisfied buyer!

I also bought myself birkenstock inspired sandals when I went to eat Yellow Submarine! It is really nice. It is kinda costly to me. I bought it at $30 at some shop in Toa payoh. I always wanted to get the inspired one but I couldn't find because the real one is so expensive. So when I saw it, I just bought it anyway although it is at $30. But at least cheaper than the real one.

I also went Wild Wild Wet last friday. It was a horrible day that day because I quarrelled with Ruyun. Anyway, it ended nicely and I finally went zouk with Ruyun. The first photo post was outside zouk. I forced him to take a selfie with me! Hahahaa.. I might be going this friday again because some major thing happened to one of our friend. Poor boy, really hoping he would get better. 



Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Today is 17 April and tomorrow will be 18 April. Time really files. Soon it will be 21 April and that will be my first-shitty-day at school. My whole new poly life. I am not really looking forward to it partly because of the horrible admission. When I scroll through my instagram, all of my friends are really happy and excited for school to start but not me. I guess I am just sick and tired of having new friends and all that drama shit. It is really a good thing to have new friends but all the friendship dramas and bullshit just makes me go like this -_-. I just feel better with my clique of friends now. Once friends, forever friends. They stood through with me since secondary. Although we don't really meet up now cause you guys are really busy but you guys are still the best. Love you guys the most!

Earlier on I get to know that Ruyun got confinement for 3 weeks. Which means he had to spend his weekends in camp for 3 weeks. So sad right? Luckily he can come out every friday, if not I will be super bored. So I'll be free on weekend for 3 weeks. I have to find stuff to do then.

I really need to find a job for myself soon, if not there will be no more good food for me. Both sogurt and frolick didn't reply my emails. How? I really need a part time job! Help!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hello Everybody! I went fishing last Saturday! We were supposed to go shopping but some asshole went club last night so he needs to rest longer and in the end we met up with his friends to fish instead. It was a new experience for me because I had never really fish before. I remember when I was younger, my mom used to fish but that was when I am still in primary school. Therefore, I know bullshit about fishing.

It was fun to learn new things. I was super duper blur and  trust me! You want to see blur sotong Ader, go fishing with her! One of my friend was such a joker, constantly telling me not to throw his rod away while throwing the bait out. All is fine until I was bored and tried Ruyun's rod. You never guessed what happen next..

While I was throwing the bait out, something flew out together. When I tell him the news, he almost cried. HAHAHAHA!

There are two major basic part of the fishing rod. One is the rod, another would be the fishing reel. The photo below is the fishing reel.

Copyright to whoever the pictures belong to! I'm just borrowing.

What flew out while I was throwing the bait was the drag adjustment. I didn't screw it tight enough and it flew out. I felt so bad for losing his stuff. He had to use his friend extra rod to fish after that. -_-"  I was trying to look for parts replacement online but seems like they don't have online parts in Singapore. Sigh. I guessed I just have to go down to beach road to search for the parts. 

Here is the happy boy with his MACSPICY with 5 CHEESE! What to do if your boyfriend is in love with MacDonald. I don't remember there is any weekend we don't eat MacDonald at least once. 

By the way, I am finally done with my poly admission and I starting to regret going Ngee Ann. I should have gone to SP instead. Heed my advice people! Never call the NP Hotline ( 1800-4607333 ) if you are admitting to poly. The lady that pick up my call (Sounded like a Indian lady), I have something to tell you. A MAJOR FUCK YOU! I understand that you might be having a bad day since it is the last day of submission. You don't want me to waste your time but why are you wasting mine. When I called you and asked about the supporting files you tell me to read everything again that was freaking given to me. Hello! If I know, I wouldn't even call you right. Please la seriously! Respect people la! You like to sarcastic people, don't work la. Go home and give your sarcasm to your family la. You are just a working adult only, please don't act like the minister or even worse, a baby who cannot handle her stress at work. At the end of the day, you didn't even helped me at all. I still have to figure out myself. Bitch!

So my conclusion, fuck you bitch, fuck you too np! I just hope that after a month later, I wouldn't feel like this anymore. 

Friday, April 11, 2014


Hellooooo guys!

That was my face during last tuesday after work. There is only one word to describe that face which is SHAG! I wanted to blog about it but was too tired. Got home, bathed and slept until the next day 5pm plus. I must be a pig! Finally I end my work. It was tiring working as retail assistant and my advice is if you are someone who gets bored easily, retail jobs are no-no to you! I barely survived 3 weeks of retail. I really need to get a new job. 

And guess what! I received my poly application results on that same day. Most of the choice I chose was mostly got to do with animation. The reason why is because I don't like coding and I am weak in that. I was really happy with my ITE results though. And my results were I was offered 3 years in Multimedia and Animation at Ngee Ann Poly which is my first choice! I am really glad to know my results. 

Actually I had my route already planned out long before I got my results last tuesday. Going to poly was my plan A and if plan A were to fail, there is plan B. Plan B was to take higher nitec in paramedic and emergency care, provided if i can apply. That course is a 1 and a half year course then after that I can pretty much start working. Sounds really attractive doesn't it? Healthcare is needed in every part of the world and further more, it is a government job meaning awesome bonus every year. Comparing this with jobs in private company, bonus won't be as much unless your company as much as Apple does every year. So my plan B was to get into a course that I could easily get a government job and earn money to keep me alive. If this plan fail, I have plan C which is to take higher nitec in film-making. But now I can throw all my plan aside cause I got my first choice.  

Just this morning I went to get my enrollment package and trust me, I am pissed. People who were distributing our enrollment pack didn't help in our enquires. I had to ask my old friends for help. Comparing this with ITE enrollment, ITE enrollment was best. No financial assistance booth, no people explain what we need to submit, not enough people, no people to explain what we need to do, nothing. Just someone telling us take queue number, another telling us to to pay money at the axs machine and remember to email receipt before handing us the package, another one telling me to take color blindness test and that's all. Oh wait and one more! My mistake, they have a enrollment enquires booth and when I asked him questions about financial help, he was too tired to reply me and told me to go check online, everything is online. Seriously. -_- There is only one word to describe : HORRIBLE! And one more thing, there is no sign boards to bring us to the location to collect our enrollment package. Hello! How are we suppose to know where to go. It is like my first time lei! I searched and asked around for directions like hell man. Going round and round like a stupid dumbass. I just hope I made a right choice going poly. What a bad impression.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I bet everyone had midnight cravings at least once and for me it is all the time. My boy just booked out today 'cause tomorrow he has to go and visit the Central Fire Station around Clarke Quay I think? I'm not very sure but who cares. I remember there was once that he got free ticket to the Aquarium. Wow right?! It is good working in the army sometimes.

Then my boy asked me what I want to eat tomorrow and I told him seoul garden at first but he say no 'cause he don't like. -_-  Fine! Then I remember in the past I used to go to this restaurant when my school is still in Balestier. Also not to forget that I am super broke that time which means that restaurant must be damn cheap for me to even go but sadly, it is not halal. That amazingly cheap resturant with nice food is called SAIZERIYA!

They have pasta, pizza, baked rice, steak and hamburger and many more food. One of my utmost favorite is their carbonara pasta! It is just heavenly. Just thinking about it makes my stomach growl. I can't get their menu photo because of some reason. Just click the image below and go to the website and take a look. It will definitely makes you say Damn! Why they don't operate 24/7!

If you are wondering where to find them. They currently have 6 outlet in Singapore.

- City Square Mall  
- Bukit Timah Plaza
- Liang Court
- Toa Payoh Central
- Hougang 1
- The Cathay

All restaurants operate from 11 am to 10 pm.

Stay tuned for next post because I will be posting about my last day of work and poly admission results which both happened last tuesday!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Last 2 days and I don't have to work at the shoe shop anymore! HOORAY! I can finally go shopping and enjoy life until school starts! I had many working experiences such as being a waitress, promoter and all but not retail assistant. Well, life is boring and tiring working as a shoe shop assistant. Majority of customers comes in and make a mess of the display items which super irritating. One of the most annoying type of customers are those that dismantle your shoe in you face!

On this one fateful day, there is this customer walked in and looked at a sport shoe. After awhile he starts pulling out the shoe lace in my face and then walks around with that shoe in hand. Soon after when he is tired of that shoe, he place it somewhere else knowing that I are staring at him. Seriously what the fuck! -_-  I don't even have the face to do that man. It is freaking shameless. It is like saying hey! I am not buying anything but just making fun of your items. Hello! Stupid customer! If you not interested in buying, why pull out all the shoe lace and hide the shoe somewhere. You stupid or what! Cannot put back to original place huh! Very fun right! Then go home dismantle your shoes and place it all over your house la! Seriously! This kind of customers need a tight slap on the damn face!

That was not the worst! There are more horrible customers! Why are they like this man seriously.. What's the point. Why don't they just treat everyone nicely. Forget them!

How does my new balances shoe look? I love it when it is in black and white. It looks cooler like that. Wanna guess what color is my new balances?

By the way we celebrated Apple(Taufiq girlfriend)'s birthday on 24 march. We surprised her with a birthday cake and had fun talking to her! That photo above is Apple the cutie birthday girl! My face looks so fat in that photo so I made it smaller! Hope you really had a great birthday celebration that day with Taufiq.

This is my baby girl Radin! We took this photo while waiting for Farah to arrived. Poor girls! They starting school tomorrow. So sad for them and me. Now that they start school, no one can go shopping with me. Ruyun won't be texting me cause he is too busy with outfield. I have to go one corner and emo already. 

I am feeling like this right now. The last time I checked it says my GPA results drop and I got myself  3.5 but
I checked again today, I got 3.9. Wtf! why? Never mind. I don't give a shit anyway. I am only worried about what course should I take. Should I go higher nitec or polytechinc? Because I don't feel like taking the same course. I just feel that whatever I am doing now is really hard to get me a job in the future. I am stress. Can someone out there please tell me what can I do if I know how to use most of Adobe software and create website do in the future? 

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